About Us

Joseé A. Hupp-Croteau, RID- NIC, CI, CT, & Ed:K-12
Owner and Certified Interpreter
It all started one Saturday morning in 1995, at Fayetteville Technical Community College, with an American Sign Language class. I had to pawn my compact disc player to pay for the tuition and a good friend bought my first book because I could not afford it. I knew after that very first class that my life would never be the same!
The last 25 years have been incredible. It has been a journey filled with opportunity and challenge. I have been welcomed by the Deaf community and by a community of interpreters that have become a great source of strength and inspiration. I am challenged each and every day by my colleagues and my clients to grow, to set new goals, to strive until I achieve them, and then start the process all over again.
In August of 2003 my dream became a reality. Michele and I decided to establish the first female-owned, interpreter-owned sign language interpreter referral agency here in Fayetteville, NC…ALL AMERICAN INTERPRETERS FOR THE DEAF, INC…(incorporated in 2008.) Everyday since then has felt the exact same way… like a dream come true!
It is a pleasure to serve as an interpreter in the most patriotic city in the United States! We have expanded our horizons to areas that we never dreamed we could provide services for. We now realize that NOTHING is out of our reach! Please do not hesitate to call us, day or night, for all of your interpreting needs!

Michele Croteau-Hupp, RT-R, RDMS
Owner and Business Manager
My story started in 7th grade…Math class to be exact… fingerspelling across the classroom to my friends. My mom bought me my first sign language book when I was in middle school. I always wanted to learn the language, never knowing that 30 years later, my life would be completely engulfed, personally and professionally.
I was born and raised here in Fayetteville, NC. My first profession was in the medical field…16 years devoted as a registered radiologic technologist and a registered ultrasonographer.
Throughout my adult life, I always vowed to pursue sign language in some capacity, but never had the courage, until 1999. I finally did it…enrolled in a class at Fayetteville Technical Community College. I knew after the first night of class that it would make one of the biggest impacts in my life!
My life has changed directions because of the warm welcome by our wonderful Deaf community and the skilled interpreters. In 2003, Josee’ and I decided to take a big leap of faith and it has led us here. I am proud to be an owner of the first Fayetteville-based, female-owned, sign language interpreting referral agency…ALL AMERICAN INTERPRETERS FOR THE DEAF, INC. We take pride in our agency and we love what we do!
Ironically since the starting of the business, I have been diagnosed with a hearing loss, resulting in the use of hearing aids. As a hard of hearing business owner, I have been given the unique opportunity to understand and provide services from a dual perspective.
My commitment to the Deaf and Hearing consumers is compassion, confidentiality, and dependability.